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Josip Broz Tito

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Estilo de vida Livros
Developer: Undabot d.o.o.

Josip Broz Tito, one of the biggest phenomenon of the 20th century. He was the leader of the Non-Aligned Movement and he became one of leading factors of world politics during the Cold War. During his reign Yugoslavia was one of rare communist countries that was not completely under the influence of the USSR.
This application has 14 chapters, from his detailed biography to meetings with world leaders and creating politics towards then actual world forces, the USA and the USSR.

Tito and the USA
Since his parting with Stalin, the USA became major sponsor of Titos Yugoslavia and main protector of its independence from Moscow. Titos interests came down to question of political and physical survival. However, the USA also had their interest and that was elaborate politics left unchanged until the fall of the Soviet Union.

Tito and Yugoslavia
Titos relation toward post-war Yugoslavia was rather contradictory. Until he became the ruler, he tried to subvert it by any means and then he asked his citizens to guard it like the apple of ones eye and three years before his death he acknowledged he failed in turning it into normal state.

Tito and the Non-Aligned Movement
In the world Josip Broz Tito is recognizable as Yugoslav Party and state leader but also as one of the founders of the Non-Aligned Movement. At that time Yugoslav propaganda tried to enforce idea that the forming of the third world bloc was Titos original idea. But that was not completely true...

Tito and the Russians
Tito for years admired Russia and almost everything he accomplished was due to that country and its citizens and he is remembered in history for his parting with the Russians, more precisely Stalin in 1948. Due to his parting the USA guaranteed his ruling for 30 years and made his world famous and important figure.

Tito and the great dictators
All the great dictators of his time besides Mao Zedong were his friends. From Castro, Gadaffi, Hussein, Ugandas ruler Idi Amin Dada, Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe, Somalias Mohamed Siad Barre and the leader of Central African Jean-Bédel Bokassa (who was cannibal) to communist leaders of the Eastern Europe.

Josip Broz Tito, jedan od najvećih fenomena 20. stoljeća. Bio je vođa Pokreta nesvrstanih zemalja te postao jedan od glavnih aktera svjetske politike u razdoblju trajanja Hladnog rata. Za njegove vladavine Jugoslavija je jedna od rijetkih komunističkih zemalja koja nije bila pod potpunim utjecajem SSSR-a.
Aplikacija sadrži 14 poglavlja, od cjelokupne biografije sve do susreta sa svjetskim vođama te do kreiranja politike prema tadašnjim svjetskim silama, SAD-u i SSSR-u.

Josip Broz Tito, był jednym z największych fenomenów XX wieku, a w czasach Zimnej Wojny stał się także jednym z głównych aktorów globalnej polityki światowej. Za jego rządów Jugosławia jako jedno z nielicznych komunistycznych państw, nie była w pełni uzależniona od ZSRR.
Aplikacja składa się z 14 rozdziałów, w których kompleksowo przedstawiono biografię Tity, jego spotkania ze światowymi przywódcami, jak również mechanizmy budowania relacji z ówczesnymi światowymi mocarstwami – USA i ZSRR.

Josip Broz Tito, jeden z největších fenoménů 20. století. Byl vůdcem Hnutí nezúčastněných zemí a stal se jedním z hlavních aktérů světové politiky v době trvání Studené války. Za jeho vlády byla Jugoslávie jednou z mála komunistických zemí, která nebyla zcela pod vlivem SSSR.
Aplikace obsahuje 14 kapitol od celkové biografie až po setkání se světovými vůdci a utváření politiky podle tehdejších světových mocností, USA a SSSR.